Finger Holds for your self care

Jin Shin Jyutsu, a Japanese acupressure, is a perfect compliment to medical treatment but not intended to be a substitute therapy for acute or major conditions attended to by a medical practitioner.

For more detail on each hold, click the image.

JSJ Thumb Hold digestion, immunity, energy levels
JSJ Thumb Hold

digestion, immunity, energy levels

Index Finger Helps Organs Kidney & Bladder Mental & Emotional Fear, Anxious, Perfectionism Astrology Scorpio & Libra
JSJ Index Hold

back & muscles, adrenals

JSJ Middle Finger Hold headaches & migraines, mental calmness, eye & vision projects
JSJ Middle Finger Hold

headaches & migraines, mental calmness, eye & vision projects

JSJ Ring Finger Hold breathing, bowel projects, teeth & jaw
JSJ Ring Finger Hold

breathing, bowel projects, teeth & jaw 

JSJ Little Finger Hold heart projects, sleep disorders, centres & grounds
JSJ Little Finger Hold

heart projects, sleep disorders, centres & grounds

JSJ Palm Hold hormone imbalance, insomnia
JSJ Palm Hold

hormone imbalance, insomnia